Pandemonium Wiki

Benxander Benxander 11 August 2014

Previous Daily Lyr news

This blog post documents all of Pandemonium! wiki's old news from The Daily Lyr, on the home page.

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Benxander Benxander 7 November 2013

Previous monthly polls

The following is a list of polls that have featured on the main page. You can continue to vote here.

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Benxander Benxander 5 October 2013

Pandemonium Poll! Results - Favourite character to play as

The poll on the home page has been on the there for some time (since February 2013), so I thought it was time for a change. But first, let's take a look at those results.

The Pandemonium poll asked which character did people prefer to play as in Pandemonium 1 & 2?

From the twenty one votes cast, seventeen of you prefer to play as Nikki, and just four of you like playing as Fargus.

Is is that double-jump that wins you over, or does her personality strike you as more likeable than Fargus'? We'd love to know, so leave a message in the comment section below.

I'm a little unsure as to how polls work on wikis, but I believe you can continue casting those votes below!

I'm going to go ahead and start up another poll, but please, leave a message here; o…

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Benxander Benxander 12 October 2012

A Collection of Pandemonium Fanart

If there's ever a location on the internet to discover fanart renditions of well-loved videogames, films, television and literature, it has to be that of deviantart.

Having only recently discovered that there was a feature enabling people to make collections of their favourites, I decided it would be a good idea to collect together the artworks of the Pandemonium series that I've been favouriting for some time.

So here is my comprehensive collection of my favourite pieces from around the site:

Pandemonium! Fanart!

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Benxander Benxander 9 October 2012

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams

  • 1 Giana Sisters, the future of the industry and PandeIII
    • 1.1 The state of the Industry
    • 1.2 The Possibility of PandeIII
  • 2 Bibliography

It's 2012 and the role of the tyrannical, capitalist, publisher in the video-game industry could well be coming to an end. At last, developers can create games for the gamer - without the unnecessary middle-man leaving developers with the smidgen of $7 from a $50 purchase. Although physical copies are on the way out (a potentially sorry sight for the keen collector), it means with digital distribution there's no need for wasteful manufacturing of packaging and no shipping costs (environmentalists rejoice), on top of that - there's no percentage for such publishers to pocket.

Let me just highlight that I do not feel tha…

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